Retreat Pricing and Inclusions

The cost of the retreat is $100 per person per day, with a minimum of three participants. For smaller groups of less than three, the cost is $150 per person per day.

Included in the price is an individualized program tailored to cater to your unique needs, such as:

  • Personalized diet plans, which will be discussed and reviewed on an individual basis, if relevant.
  • Movement routines designed to complement your unique constitution, informed by both Ayurvedic principles and Western science.
  • Injury management and rehabilitation strategies.
  • Techniques for mental reprogramming, aimed at cultivating a healthier attitude, which in turn fosters a healthier physiology.

A typical day at the retreat might include a morning session featuring one or more of the following activities:

  • Movement exercises
  • Breathwork sessions
  • Meditation
  • Surfing
  • Beach walking
  • River plunge or swim
  • High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

Following the morning session, you will have free time to explore the local area and enjoy lunch at a nearby restaurant. Afternoons often feature an excursion upriver to a waterfall or rice terraces.

The late afternoon session, similar to the morning but with a more relaxed pace, may include activities such as yin yoga and myofascial rolling.

Evening activities encompass sunset viewing and philosophy discussions, as well as journal review sessions, all taking place over a communal dinner. Regular video screenings and light discussions on themes and topics explored during the retreat are also part of the evening itinerary.